Pod Talks About Dancing With The Demons Under My Bed

Pod Talks About Dancing With The Demons Under My Bed



Pod Talks About Dancing With The Demons Under My Bed

we only briefly touched on the ‘witches’ album, After the first interview with Pod. so I arranged another interview to dig a little deeper into what it was all about, and hopefully we might also find out a little bit more about him.  ↓

Pod Talks About Dancing With The Demons Under My Bed

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After the last interview I had with Pod, I was really wanting to hurry on with the next session because we didn’t really have the time to cover everything that I’d intended to. A few weeks have passed since then, and I’ve managed to meet up with him a few times. I feel like I know him a lot more now, although I’ve still never seen him without his mask on.

He literally wears it everywhere. I’ve stopped asking about it now though, I’ve come realize that he’s just completely dedicated to his character, and I actually admire that about him! Because beyond that, he’s actually just a really cool, easy-going guy. One that has a real passion and talent for what he does, and you can’t fault that really,



DMA:  “Ok, so… Here we are again! Another interview with the one and only Pod! How’s everything been?”

Pod:  “Alright I guess, I’ve spent most of my time working with Tragic Souls and Eerbl00d recently. “

DMA:  “Ah yeah, I heard about that earlier today actually. They’re two very different acts and you’ve been helping manage both of them, haven’t you?”

Pod:  “Yeah that’s it, it’s mostly so we can all get to know each other properly. I’m going to be producing a lot of tracks for them in the future, Rip Damon’s also on board with all this as well. We’ve just been making sure they both get out there really, show after show. It’s been good to see the rooms fill up with crowds of people, sharing the love, having a good time.”

DMA:  “That’s good! I haven’t been able to get a hold of anyone from Tragic Souls just yet. They’re always, way to busy!”

Pod: “That sounds about right! They’ve been going none-stop since the underground circuit opened back up! “

DMA:  “I know it’s great all you guys are able to get back out there again! Oh! Just for those listening in, or reading the interview; Could you please explain what the underground circuit actually is?”

Pod:  “Yeah sure! Well it’s a gig circuit for underground acts. It’s our own circuit! They’re specially chosen venues, And we have our own way of putting on the show. You know! They’re the coolest places you’d want to watch gig at. They’re away from your regular venue, like in some dive bar where no-one cares about the music. We wanted places were people want to be, and where people care. We don’t want randoms just turning up. It’s for those in the know. They’re exclusive shows. In exclusive places. They’re very well promoted to the people in the loop, and we provide the people in the loop with the kind of new music they love and want. There’s no restrictions on genres, it’s just whatever’s cool… Of course, on the night, it makes sense that show’s catered for a particular crowd, that should be obvious. A Dubstep act being followed by a guy on an Irish Fiddle would be a strange night. One I’ve actually witnessed first hand! Strangely enough.”

DMA:  “Yeah, I think I’ve been to a night like that as well. I was expecting a load of Ska bands to play, because that’s what the headliner was. But we got the strangest mix of Emo-Metal and Brit-Pop, with some acoustic guitar playing rapper. And then finally the music we all came for.”

Pod:  “Yeah, and I bet no-one complained because the music was probably all good.”

DMA:  “You’re right, kind of! Everyone just kind of waited around, chatting, listening. Some of my friends actually spent most of the night outside in the smoking area, because they didn’t like the support. I didn’t mind it.

Pod:  “Yeah that’s what I mean, it shouldn’t be about seeing the headliner. It should be about about the music on the night, and that’s it! The classic gig format is just so… old hat, you know?!”

DMA: “Yeah it is old hat, I don’t really get how it could change though.”

Pod:  “Oh… You’ve never been to a R3cords gig before have you! I thought that was how you got in with the guys here… Wow! That’s something! You’re in for something special when you do! You really are!”

DMA:  “Well, you’ve peaked my interest, that’s for sure! So what is different? What’s so good about a R3cords show?”

Pod:  “Oh I’m not giving that one up! I’ve said to much already, and you don’t even know! Haha. You gonna have to talk to Biggs about that one. He’s the guy you need ask, and he’ll tell you!”

DMA:  “Alright, I will. I can’t believe I’ve never even heard of this!”

Pod:  “Hey, from what I hear, it’s as much about your journey as it is ours! So, just do your thing… Man, it’s gotta be cool to be you.”

DMA:  “Hah, well… Maybe I don’t know.”

Pod: “I mean, you’re getting to learn how it all works, fresh eyes. Wonder. You’ve got us all here itching to tell our stories to you and only you, when we can. The beauty of it is, you’re easy to talk to, and you’re interested in what we have to say. Because you want to know. It’s like tapping into a barrel of your favorite juice, and you’ve got it all to yourself!.. That’s gotta be cool right!? “

DMA:  “Yeah it is… “

Pod:  “…”

DMA:  “It’s really f**king cool! Actually..”

Pod:  “Heck yeah it is!”

DMA:  “alright yeah! I’ll talk to Biggs when he’s around. While I’ve still got you though. Can we talk about the ‘Witches’ album?”

Pod:  “Yeah sure! I thought we already did, but I’m good to talk about whatever.”

DMA:  “We did talk about it, in our last interview. But I kind of wanna go in a little deeper with it this time, if you don’t mind.”

Pod:  “Sounds good to me. We can talk about it for as long as it takes. I’m good all the way!”

DMA:  “Great stuff! Ahh, I tell you what! I’ll let you start, tell me about your favorite track on the album.”

Pod:  “My favorite track? Wow, I’ve never really categorized my own work like that before… I don’t know if I can even do that, you know! It just does not seem right?”

DMA:  “Oh ok! So you must have had a favorite memory whilst writing them or producing one of them perhaps?”

Pod:  “Hmmmmm… No I don’t think so, there’s like, good times and bad times in there. But it’s all stuff from inside you know!? I can’t categorize my emotions. I don’t know how I’m supposed to even start with that.”

DMA:  “How about the one that made you feel the best?

Pod:  “The best what?”

DMA: “Happiness, that’d be your favorite!”

Pod:  “As opposed to the best sadness? I can’t really say that that would make it any less important, being honest.”

DMA:  “No because sadness would be the worst.”

Pod:  “Why would sadness be the worst? I don’t think it is. It’s important to remember the sadness as much as it’s important to remember the happiness. It’s what you learn from, or do with it, that makes it truly count for something.”

Keep reading ↓

DMA:  “Yeah ok, I see what you’re saying here. alright… I’d like to hear what ‘Dancing With The Demons Under My Bed’ is all about. The title really interests me.”

Pod:  “Ah, haha. Well, I’ll tell you all about that one! But first, before I do. Could you tell me what you think it’s about?”

DMA:  “Erm, yeah sure. Why not!.. “

Pod:  “…”

DMA:  “I think it’s got to be like some kind of a metaphor. Kind of like playing with fire in some way right? Or knowing your enemy, or keeping them close, or something like that. Am I right?”

Pod: “No, not really… Hahaha. Like I said before, all my music comes from my own experience. It’s all my own memories, my own emotions. My music is the transmutation of my own witness of any chosen moment. You should take my titles with a little less salt maybe, if you get what I mean.”

DMA:  “So are you saying it’s more… Literal?”

Pod:  “That’s exactly what I’m saying! The demons were my friends. Well kind of, let me explain. You must have heard about kids with imaginary friends before right? Well, when I was a kid I had two! They both lived under my bed. They weren’t scary or anything, they were nice, fun actually! We’d play chase, dance to music together. Sometimes we’d have a go on the karaoke, which was always funny because they both had these really un-worldly voices!”

DMA:  “Is that what I can hear in the track? Their voices?”

Pod:  “Yeah!… Well, a re-creation of them at least… I miss them…”

DMA:  “So this track is you, remembering your old friends, having fun together.”

Pod:  “Correct!”

DMA: “When did they… Go?”

Pod: “Damn… I haven’t thought about that one for a while… Just a second…”

DMA: “Oh erm, no no, you take your time.

Pod:  “… They didn’t go. I never just stopped believing in them and then that was it, gone. It was nothing like that. What happened to both of them, it was an accident… It was just… Horrible… And I couldn’t, do anything… I was just a kid…”

DMA: “…”

Pod:  “I woke up one night, choking. I didn’t understand it at the time, it was like the air was thick. Everything was so dark, I couldn’t see anything, even when I went over to my window.”

DMA: “Your house was on fire?”

Pod: “My parents were out that night, but the insurance people tried to say it wasn’t an accident. It destroyed them. Not just because they lost their home, but because they were blamed for it too.”

DMA:  “What happened to you? How did you get out?”

Pod:  “I started banging on the window, grasping for the handles trying to open it somehow… Oni grabbed a hold of me, pulling me down to the floor. I took the deepest breath I had ever taken before, and then there was this loud smash at the window… Some light began to trickle into the room through the smoke. Through the silhouette I could make out Menoetius, standing there with his fist through the window… But now the smoke just seemed to move around more, it writhed…Chaos… I tried to get up, to maybe get to the window and shout for help, but Oni still held me tightly. I wriggled, trying to get free. But I could feel myself getting weaker every second, every breath. So I gasped again, as deep as I could…  Again I could make out Menoetius, but this time he was towering over me… Holding my wardrobe above his head. He gave out this tremendous roar as he poised back… And with all his might, he threw it at the window. Smashing the whole damn thing open, it broke some of the wall off too!”

DMA:  “Your… Friend, smashed the window open with your wardrobe?”

Pod:  “He did. And then he disappeared off into the smoke… I noticed that Oni had let go of me, so I get up… And I just kind of walk over to this gaping hole where my window used to be… The smoke was pouring out around me, and I stood at the edge looking down. I was one floor up, and there was nothing but bushes, flowers and grass below… I had this idea in my head that we could all jump out together. It wasn’t far, we’d be ok… But as I turned around… In my peripheral I noticed Oni running at me, arms stretched forwards… And then Oni, she shoved me. Hard… And I just fell… For what felt like, forever. Until I hit the flower bed… The world felt misaligned… I just laid there, on the ground… I just watched the smoke pouring out the window, and then the smoke turned into flames… I heard this colossal roar come from the house, and all three of our cats came flying out the window, landing in a tree at the end of the garden… Then I heard this screech, with crashing  overtaken by the roar of the fire as the whole house completely went up…”

DMA: “They saved you… They saved you and your cats…”

Pod: “… I miss them… I miss them everyday..”

DMA: “… So the track, is this what it’s all about? the fire?

Pod:  “It’s about the fun that we had, the times I wish we still could have. It’s those little moments where we’d joke around, sing and dance together. It’s the emptiness I feel now, it’s all the love I’ve always felt for them. It’s all of us together. That’s it really… I don’t know how else to say it.”

DMA: “… Wow, alright yeah, I get it, yeah. I really do.. That’s just.. Yeah that’s brilliant, thanks! Thanks for that! Thanks for sharing. Really! “

Pod:  “… It’s cool. You know, it’s hard to go through things like that sometimes… But it really helps you know!? Thanks man.”

DMA: “Your welcome… Did I help you heal just then?”

Pod: “HAHA, no I’m 35, trust me! I’m healed, it’s the reminiscence part. It’s nice to feel.”

“The smoke was pouring out around me, and I stood at the edge looking down”

This interview was amazing, I really didn’t expect Pod to tell us such a heart wrenching story about his imaginary friends. And I’ve just realized how silly I just made the whole thing seem. No! All respect to him, I loved every minute! I can’t wait for our next interview! I’d like to delve into his other tracks from the album. So cheers to Pod, and here’s to Menoetius and Oni… I’ll remember you both.       

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Sleeping On The Backseat, A Review Of

Sleeping On The Backseat, A Review Of



Sleeping On The Backseat, A Review Of

It’s pretty much a perfect track for the transitional aftermath of a high intensity night.

I’ve listened to this track at least 20+ plus times now, and in all honesty I wouldn’t normally listen to what genre this track would fit into, but I do like it. There’s something about it that really relaxes me, even though the bpm is actually quite high. He manages to keep the track really chill whilst having a lowkey high energy bellowing as though you’ve distanced yourself from it. It’s pretty much a perfect track for the transitional aftermath of a high intensity night.

Sleeping On The Backseat is a track that really takes me back to a time where the nights never ended, where the party would transcend it’s original plain breaking off into fragments and attaching itself to those connected to the universe. And when the  sun has long risen, you finally make your way to the sacred recovery nest. Carrying this energy with you, all the way. Just put it on repeat and close your eyes.





This track is also available on most of the preferred streaming and download platforms out there, such as; Spotify, Apple Music, I-Tunes Store, Deezer, Pandora… etc

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My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness

My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness



My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness

This is a first look into the artist, prince of darkness. we touched lightly on his image, we talk about his album ‘witches’. and a little bit about his next project with another artist. ↓

My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness

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After meeting Pod for the first time you’d definitely find that he is absolutely a much more complex individual than you would give him credit for, specially at a first glance. I’m not gonna lie, I was expecting some kind of dark brooding edge-lord. But what I actually got was a nice friendly guy, humble. A guy who just loves making music, and the thing is again with that, I was expecting something loud, something “doomy”. But it’s not! His music is so much more chilled and relaxing than anything I would of imagined just from his name alone. So the first question I had to ask him was; “So, what’s with the name?” And I could see that he knew exactly what I meant by that. He answered in a nice Southern American English accent, which I did not expect. Saying; “Well, it’s been my name since birth and even though I’ve pretty much had to explain it my whole life, I respect my parents enough to keep it. To be honest, most people just call me Pod, and I’m cool with that.” ……      


DMA:  “So, what’s with the name?”

Pod:  “Well, it’s been my name since birth and even though I’ve pretty much had to explain it my whole life, I respect my parents enough to keep it. To be honest, most people just call me Pod, and I’m cool with that.”

DMA:  “Wow, so you’re actually The Prince of Darkness then? officially!”

Pod:  “Haa, well no. Not really, The Prince of Darkness is pretty much just a title, and the thing about titles is, they come and go… My name is, Prince Of Darkness… You can’t take that away from me.”

DMA:  “That’s actually really cool, I’m guessing your parents must pretty interesting people then?”

Pod: “Interesting?… you could say that, I guess… I love ’em, but they’ll always seem pretty normal to me though.”


DMA:  “Hah, yeah I get that, it’s nice… In my experience, interesting people tend to make interesting people.” 

Pod:  “Hmm. There’s definitely truth in that!”

DMA:  “While we’re on the subject of what’s interesting, that mask you wear.”

Pod:  “You mean my head?”

DMA:  “Haha, yeah… So what’s it about? Did you make it yourself?”

Pod:  “Well, yeah. Kinda… It’s my head.”

DMA:  “Ok, erm. Yeah, so are you kind of going for one of those characterized looks like those other masked artists like Deadmau5 have?”

Pod:  “No, dude. Again, it’s my head. I aint going for a look, it’s just me. That’s it”

DMA:  “Alright if you say so. I’m just saying what other people will probably think. Like that your mouth doesn’t move when you talk”


 Pod:  “I didn’t know it had to! I seem to do a pretty good job at it.”

DMA:  “Yeah you do! … I guess errm, music… You released an album last year, ‘Witches’. Tell me about it! What inspired it?”

Pod:  “Well… It’s 10 instrumental tracks I put together, each track is based on a personal experience. It’s something I learnt about from a good friend of mine.”

DMA:  “You’re talking about Rip Damon, right?”

Pod:  “Yeah, it’s where you seed an idea and use the emotion of your experience, putting it into the music as you create it. Making a kind of variable sound picture, in a way. The idea is to create metaphors in the mind almost, like how you might interpret a dream for instance.”

DMA: “That’s actually really awesome! I didn’t expect that kind of interpretation to be honest.”

Pod:  “Hahaha, why not?”

DMA:  “I don’t know really, I’ve never really thought about it that way. Like when you go and watch somebody do a show, the music is there to dance to, and you listen to the lyrics you absorb the message through the words. Something like that.”

Pod:  “Yeah, I get that. Music is always there to dance to, providing it feels right of course. This album doesn’t have a message though, not an agenda at least. It’s something to just absorb and enjoy in your own way, chillout and relax. The emotions they evoke for me personally are probably a lot different  to how it might make you feel for example; you’ve lived a very different life to me, so certain things will effect you in different ways compared to me.”

DMA:  “Yeah I get that, so everyone relates in their own way drawing on their own experiences and all that.”



Pod:  “You could say that, but if we’re talking about the ‘Witches’ album, it’s simply just purely myself sharing my own emotions with the world. I never really put any thought into how other people might perceive it or even perceive myself through it, in all honesty.”

DMA:  “So how about in the future then? Will you be putting much thought into how people might perceive your next project, or any agenda it might have? .. not that it needs one obviously”

Pod:  “That’s a good question actually, because I’ve been working on the tracks for the next album just recently. And what you just asked was actually something we were just debating the other day.”

DMA:  “We?”

Pod:  “We, being myself and Chase Lumen, you’ve met right?.”

DMA:  “Yeah I know of Chase! He’s the singer that was just signed to R3cords but he hasn’t actually released anything yet.”

Pod: “That’s the guy! .. Yeah, we were recently discussing what some of the lyrics should be about, because he’s already got his own thing going on, with his own style and everything. So him doing his own thing to my stuff doesn’t really make sense.”

DMA:  “So by that, do you mean he’s gonna kind of work close with you lyrically? like working with some direction from you, or something like that?”

Pod:  “Pretty much yeah, it’s just difficult at the minute because of all the personal stuff he’s going through. It’s cool though it’s just a time thing … I’m just working on the music for now, in the same way I did for the last album! But this time I’ll be seeding him the ideas from the emotions I put in, for Chase to write and perform the lyrics to.”

DMA:  “That sounds incredible Pod, I’m really looking forwards to hearing what you two can create together!”

Pod:  “Haha, yeah me too actually.”


“it’s where you seed an idea and use the emotion of your experience, putting it into the music as you create it. Making a kind of variable sound picture, in a way.”

This was my first interview with Pod, and I left it feeling like I’d barely scratched the surface with him. He’s clearly absorbed by this character he sees himself as, and I’d really like to get to know a little more about his background. But I guess that’ll have to wait until the next interview.   

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What Actually Happened In The Back On You Threefold Animation Short?

What Actually Happened In The Back On You Threefold Animation Short?


W.a.h ?

What Actually Happened In The Back On You Threefold Animation Short?

a full indepth look, breakdown and analysis into what actually happened in the ‘back on you threefold’ short looping video by, prince of darkness. what do we know? and what was the story really about? ↓

What Actually Happened In The Back On You Threefold Animation Short?

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After watching this animation short for the first time, without giving it a second thought you’d be very much forgiven, if you came to the conclusion that the entire animation is just simply about, depression pushing to the degree of suicide. After-all a large section of the animation does emphasize the fact that Pod shoots himself in the head. But it’s really not what you think. There is more story to be found here than what a single glance can allow. This short looping video is an introduction, it’s a very important insight into Pods universe. 

But it’s really not what you think. There is more story to be found here than what a single glance can allow.

Before I break down what is happening in this story completely, let’s just walk through the entire animation step by step first. The first shot fading out from white, shows a rainy landscape at sunset with the silhouette of a single figure (Pod) standing roughly in the middle of the shot. He’s standing on a field, there’s a tree to the left of the shot and two hills in the background, one on each side of the shot, Pod seems to be just watching the sun setting. After a brief closer look at Pod the camera pulls back to the original shot as a woman with an umbrella walks onto the scene, heading directly towards Pod, stopping just a few feet short of him.

Pod instantly pulls a gun out, pointing it directly at the woman’s face. Pod looks down, points the gun towards his head and then looks directly back at the woman. The woman’s posture remains unaffected and strong, as she says “Fall for me”. At that moment Pod pulls the trigger. You can see the flash of the gun and the blood spray from his head.

This is instantly followed by a segment where there are many silhouettes of Pod and the woman in a line, and blood from Pods head starts to fill the screen, at one point seemingly taking on the shape of a bird or dragon for a second, before completely consuming the screen with blood. There are then two images that flash on the screen, the first is a queue of Pods confronting his own dead body in the darkness. The second is Pod from many angles placed on top of each other, the sunlight is so bright it almost visually consumes parts of him. The screen then goes red again and then fades to a similar scene, but now with a darker sky and Pod now in full color, being the focal point of this shot. He turns around and steps forwards.

The view then changes to more of a top down view, you can see Pod laying on the ground with blood visible on the floor around his head. Another Pod walks on to the screen straight towards the dead Pod on the ground. Once he reaches the dead Pod he stands there for a second before dropping to his knees, looking at the dead body. As the camera angle changes to a more level view, Pod is knelt next to the body which then begins to fade away. The camera then changes to a close up on Pod as he looks forwards followed by the camera panning around to the back of him revealing the bright setting sun once again. The screen then fades to white setting up the animation to loop, bringing it full circle. 

This is a video of the animation which has been looped a number of times. The animation short only takes 34 seconds to reach its end.

So what I can tell you from the clues given in the animation about what’s happening in this story are as follows:

The character Pod is not suicidal, this is also not to any degree a love story, nor is it a reflection on the creators life metaphors or personal mind space.

The first clue is when Pod draws the gun, he points and holds it towards the woman, for a significant time before pointing it towards himself. Note the body language between the two of them.

The second clue are that the words she says clearly have a literal meaning, as she undauntedly says “Fall for me”. Where as soon as she says this, he pulls the trigger.

The third is the segment following the gun shot, as the blood takes the shape of a bird. In this same image there are multiple silhouettes of both Pod and the woman. 



The forth clue is the image of multiple Pods approaching the dead Pod laid out on the floor in the darkness. immediately followed by the next image which is again multiple Pods, but this time in bright light, to the extent where the light is actually beginning to visually consume Pods silhouette.

The fifth clue is when the dead Pod fades away, leading to the beginning of the loop where afterwards Pod stares forwards and then the loop resets. 

The sixth clue is about the rain and what it does in the very last sequence, just as Pod looks up and the camera pans around him to look back at the sun. It reverses.

This is a lot of information that is very easy to miss, but says a lot more about what is actually happening. Giving you a pretty good amount of insight into what Pod is actually up against here. 


Here is the full description of what really happens in the video;

Pod has become trapped by a powerful malignant witch who is clearly able to control him. He is trying so hard to fight her, but can’t. His blood has a very strong significance in this story because as he dies, a literal Blood Phoenix rises from his body, and then Pod appears beside himself before his own dead body vanishes in front of him.

As Pod looks into the light, time seems to reverse as this light consumes everything, and then everything happens again, over and over. This light isn’t a natural light, it’s not the sun, it’s something else, conjured by the witch. Something so dense in mass that it creates its own light and heat, pulsing with so much power that it warps and folds time upon itself.       



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Animation Short – Back On You Threefold

Animation Short – Back On You Threefold

This is a video of the animation which has been looped a number of times. The animation short only takes 34 seconds to reach its end.

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The Video features a rearrangement of the track ‘Back On You Threefold’, taken from the ‘Witches’ album by Prince Of Darkness. All the tracks on this album were all created during the summer of 2019,  the album was then released the following year on the 18th of April, 2020.




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