My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness
This is a first look into the artist, prince of darkness. we touched lightly on his image, we talk about his album ‘witches’. and a little bit about his next project with another artist. ↓

My First Conversation With Prince Of Darkness
Written by D. M. Astronaut
After meeting Pod for the first time you’d definitely find that he is absolutely a much more complex individual than you would give him credit for, specially at a first glance. I’m not gonna lie, I was expecting some kind of dark brooding edge-lord. But what I actually got was a nice friendly guy, humble. A guy who just loves making music, and the thing is again with that, I was expecting something loud, something “doomy”. But it’s not! His music is so much more chilled and relaxing than anything I would of imagined just from his name alone. So the first question I had to ask him was; “So, what’s with the name?” And I could see that he knew exactly what I meant by that. He answered in a nice Southern American English accent, which I did not expect. Saying; “Well, it’s been my name since birth and even though I’ve pretty much had to explain it my whole life, I respect my parents enough to keep it. To be honest, most people just call me Pod, and I’m cool with that.” ……
DMA: “So, what’s with the name?”
Pod: “Well, it’s been my name since birth and even though I’ve pretty much had to explain it my whole life, I respect my parents enough to keep it. To be honest, most people just call me Pod, and I’m cool with that.”
DMA: “Wow, so you’re actually The Prince of Darkness then? officially!”
Pod: “Haa, well no. Not really, The Prince of Darkness is pretty much just a title, and the thing about titles is, they come and go… My name is, Prince Of Darkness… You can’t take that away from me.”
DMA: “That’s actually really cool, I’m guessing your parents must pretty interesting people then?”
Pod: “Interesting?… you could say that, I guess… I love ’em, but they’ll always seem pretty normal to me though.”
DMA: “Hah, yeah I get that, it’s nice… In my experience, interesting people tend to make interesting people.”
Pod: “Hmm. There’s definitely truth in that!”
DMA: “While we’re on the subject of what’s interesting, that mask you wear.”
Pod: “You mean my head?”
DMA: “Haha, yeah… So what’s it about? Did you make it yourself?”
Pod: “Well, yeah. Kinda… It’s my head.”
DMA: “Ok, erm. Yeah, so are you kind of going for one of those characterized looks like those other masked artists like Deadmau5 have?”
Pod: “No, dude. Again, it’s my head. I aint going for a look, it’s just me. That’s it”
DMA: “Alright if you say so. I’m just saying what other people will probably think. Like that your mouth doesn’t move when you talk”
Pod: “I didn’t know it had to! I seem to do a pretty good job at it.”
DMA: “Yeah you do! … I guess errm, music… You released an album last year, ‘Witches’. Tell me about it! What inspired it?”
Pod: “Well… It’s 10 instrumental tracks I put together, each track is based on a personal experience. It’s something I learnt about from a good friend of mine.”
DMA: “You’re talking about Rip Damon, right?”
Pod: “Yeah, it’s where you seed an idea and use the emotion of your experience, putting it into the music as you create it. Making a kind of variable sound picture, in a way. The idea is to create metaphors in the mind almost, like how you might interpret a dream for instance.”
DMA: “That’s actually really awesome! I didn’t expect that kind of interpretation to be honest.”
Pod: “Hahaha, why not?”
DMA: “I don’t know really, I’ve never really thought about it that way. Like when you go and watch somebody do a show, the music is there to dance to, and you listen to the lyrics you absorb the message through the words. Something like that.”
Pod: “Yeah, I get that. Music is always there to dance to, providing it feels right of course. This album doesn’t have a message though, not an agenda at least. It’s something to just absorb and enjoy in your own way, chillout and relax. The emotions they evoke for me personally are probably a lot different to how it might make you feel for example; you’ve lived a very different life to me, so certain things will effect you in different ways compared to me.”
DMA: “Yeah I get that, so everyone relates in their own way drawing on their own experiences and all that.”
Pod: “You could say that, but if we’re talking about the ‘Witches’ album, it’s simply just purely myself sharing my own emotions with the world. I never really put any thought into how other people might perceive it or even perceive myself through it, in all honesty.”
DMA: “So how about in the future then? Will you be putting much thought into how people might perceive your next project, or any agenda it might have? .. not that it needs one obviously”
Pod: “That’s a good question actually, because I’ve been working on the tracks for the next album just recently. And what you just asked was actually something we were just debating the other day.”
DMA: “We?”
Pod: “We, being myself and Chase Lumen, you’ve met right?.”
DMA: “Yeah I know of Chase! He’s the singer that was just signed to R3cords but he hasn’t actually released anything yet.”
Pod: “That’s the guy! .. Yeah, we were recently discussing what some of the lyrics should be about, because he’s already got his own thing going on, with his own style and everything. So him doing his own thing to my stuff doesn’t really make sense.”
DMA: “So by that, do you mean he’s gonna kind of work close with you lyrically? like working with some direction from you, or something like that?”
Pod: “Pretty much yeah, it’s just difficult at the minute because of all the personal stuff he’s going through. It’s cool though it’s just a time thing … I’m just working on the music for now, in the same way I did for the last album! But this time I’ll be seeding him the ideas from the emotions I put in, for Chase to write and perform the lyrics to.”
DMA: “That sounds incredible Pod, I’m really looking forwards to hearing what you two can create together!”
Pod: “Haha, yeah me too actually.”
“it’s where you seed an idea and use the emotion of your experience, putting it into the music as you create it. Making a kind of variable sound picture, in a way.”
This was my first interview with Pod, and I left it feeling like I’d barely scratched the surface with him. He’s clearly absorbed by this character he sees himself as, and I’d really like to get to know a little more about his background. But I guess that’ll have to wait until the next interview.

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